Friday, October 21, 2011

Study, Stress, Study, Stress, Study, Pass The Test!

     It's the middle of the semester. Guess what time it is? Yup. Midterms!!! I know you're thinking: "noooooooooooo" times 100 while rolling on the floor stressing out, but it doesn't have to be this way. In one class of mine (Software Engineering) our professor let us students create questions for our upcoming midterm. This is what all you students should be doing anyways. Studying does equal stress, but in the end, it helps you pass the test. Now grab those box of kleenex and wipe your tears. It's time to study!
     In this blog, I've been writing about the experiences I've been through and all the new things I've learned under the subject of Software Engineering. The following are five study guide questions I've created for the upcoming midterm. It might give you some time to look back at what was learned to see if you've been up to date. Not sure if I am, but who is anyways. Keep that spirit up and see you after you pass that midterm of yours!!!

1. When generating JavaDoc for your projects, what 2 files must be created and where do they need to be placed?
     overview.html in the top-level of your system implementation. 
     package.html in the package.

2. When designing a Robocode robot, there are 3 basic moves. Name one and write the method that enables that function.
     Movement: ahead(), back();
     Radar: scan()
     Shoot its gun: fire();

3. We are using the Apache Ant build system for assignments in this class. Name one feature of Ant.
     XML configuration files
     Open Source
     Defacto standard for Java Projects
     File-Level, but not library-level dependency management.

4. When running an Ant build file, what argument must you put before the file name to execute the build file.
     -f = Use given build file.

5. Given the following program below, which of the following automated quality assurance tool (Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs) will produce an error?
Checkstyle will produce an error. There is no package 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Remember that the real test is the real world, not academia!
